Facing Enterprise-specific Challenges – Utility Programming in Hadoop
講者:吳育儒 Fann Wu, 趨勢科技資深工程師 地點: 3F – 第一會議室 講題:Facing Enterprise-specific Challenges – Utility Programming in Hadoop |
In TrendMicro, our Hadoop cluster is used by many teams; We should ensure our cluster work normal to avoid services impacted. We will talk about how we co-work with other team, how we turn our Hadoop cluster, and how we meet when we operate our Hadoop cluster. Last year, we survey Amazon EMR solution. To make sure the AWS EMR solution is a feasible solution for running our SPN Hadoop workloads. We do POC to ensure EMR can fulfill our requirement; We will talk about how we decide the machine type, and how to calculate the usage and price between our Hadoop cluster and EMR cluster.
在趨勢科技,有許多Team在使用Hadoop cluster,我們必須確保Hadoop cluster功能正常以避免去影響到其他Team的服務,在這場Sharing中會談論如何與其他Team合作,如何去校調Hadoop cluster,以及我們在維運Hadoop時所遇到的問題。 去年我們研究了Amazon EMR 的解決方案,為了確保Amazon EMR的解決方案可以符合趨勢科技的使用方式,我們做了一連串的POC,在這場Sharing中會談到如何去決定EC2的規格,如何去估算自己Datacenter的使用資源與價錢,並與Amazon EMR做一個比較。
Fann Wu work at TrendMicro SPN infra team. He have 4 years experiences about manage hundreds of Hadoop/Hbase servers in TrendMicro. He is familiar with Big data operation, troubleshooting, turning and automation.
- Spark DataFrame and PipeLine
- HadoopCon 2015 議程 (第三版)